The Dates:
15-20 Aug 2022 – Conference dates 

20 years ago MASTER publishied first GCN circular  about gamma-ray burst observation.

It was realized that robotic observatories boost the capabilities of astronomical observations of non-stationary and short-lived phenomena in the Universe. Such facilities built throughout the world allowed to discover and study the prompt emission of the gamma-ray. Hundreds of supernovae were detected as well which enabled to infer the existence of the energy of the cosmic vacuum. Additionally, the robotic telescopes discover thousands of new minor bodies of the solar system and many of exoplanets.

     The first Russian MASTER robot-telescope was developed in 2002 and installed nearby Moscow. It was the effective platform for methodology and technical studies devoted to optimise the use of small robotized telescopes with  the unique software needed for automated multipurpose astronomical observations and real-time full reduction process.   

   MASTER Global Robotic Net was developed in Lomonosov Moscow State University by our team as the fully robotic telescopes, that allows to solve the problems described above. AO MU Optic mastered the production of such systems.


  This conference is devoted to the 20-th anniversary of MASTER Global Robotic Net project. It will be  a good opportunity to talk about  the results achieved by Robotic Observatories in next area: GRBs, SNs, CVs, AGN & BL Lac objects, Gravitational Waves  (LIGO/VIRGO)  and High Energy Neutrino Follow Up Electromagnetic Observations - ICECube and ANTARES


MASTER main scientific results in these high energy astrophysics phenomena research are the following.

(1)       The discovery of significant and variable linear polarization during the prompt optical flash of GRB 160625B [26].

(2)       The discovery of gamma-ray bursts (GRB) Smooth Optical Self-similar Emission— the new type of calibration for GRB, in which some of their class can be marked and share a common behavior. We named this behavior SOS-similar Emission and identify these subclasses of GRBs with optical light curves described by a universal scaling function [27].

(3)       Independent optical detection of the first LIGO/Virgo Neutron Star Binary Merger GW170817-Kilonova MASTER OTJ130948.10-232253.3/SSS17a [17,21] and first in history gravitational-wave standard siren measurement of the Hubble constant with LIGO/Virgo collaboration[28].

(4)       The most input in optical support of LIGO/Virgo GW150914 event [16,18-20].

(5)       The detection of  strong evidence for high energy neutrino progenitor of the neutrino event IceCube-170922A [25].

(6)       The discovery of GRB 161017A optical counterpart by MASTER and prompt follow-up multi-wavelength observations of this GRB by Lomonosov space observatory of MSU and MASTER Global Robotic Net [8].

(7)       The discovery of several dozens of optical counterparts of gamma-ray bursts, including the nearest GRB 180728A, the brightest GRB 190530A, and investigation of several thousands of GRB error-fields, detected by Fermi, Swift, Konus-Wind, Lomonosov, MAXI, Integral, HETE [5-8,26,27,29–34].

(8)       MASTER alert and follow-up observations of hundreds of high energy neutrino error-boxes, triggered IceCube, ANTARES detectors including the most input to optical support of IceCubemultiplet in 2016y.-triplet IC160217 [35,36].

(9)       The discovery, photometry, hydrodynamics, and evolution scenario of luminous red nova MASTER OT J004207.99+405501.1 / M31LRN2015 [37].

(10)   The discovery of an unusual bright eclipsing binary with the longest known period: MASTER OT J095310.04+335352.8 / TYC 2505-672-1 [38].


(11)   The longest light curve (13.5h of observations, 1124 data set), modeling and shape detection of Asteroid NEA 2015 TB145 , and observations of Near-Earth Optical Transients with the MASTER-Shok at Lomonosov Space Observatory.



(12) MASTER-Shok at Lomonosov Space observatory of Moscow State University, detection of near and far objects.


(13) The discovery of optical polarization variability of micro-quasar V404 Cyg.


(14) FRB synchronous observations .


(15) Orphan transient discovery.


(16) More thanh 3500 optical transients detection, including GRB optical counterparts, Kilonova, Novae, SuperNovae, dwarf Novae, e-Aur type systems, polars, RCrB, UV Cet, etc., and PHA, comets.


Keywords: Gamma-ray bursts, high energy neutrinos and sources of gravitational waves, and radio bursters can be related events.